Why do we do it?
The project consist of collaborating with the Abundant Life Foundation English Literacy program. The program consists of teaching kids between the ages of 5-15 the English language (writing and reading); while learning about the importance of birds and their habitats through development of English language skills and hands on activities in the field.

What are we doing?
Promote conservation of our coastal resources through reading and writing comprehension to improve and carryon our heritage:
Review the lesson plan with facilitators of the program
Conduct three lessons; initially the educator will conduct a pre-assessment on knowledge of bird conservation, then she will present the lesson of the day, the kids will be asked to participate reading off the projected screen or from a book. They will write vocabulary words from the lesson and at the end of each day they will draw and paint birds, their habitat and more
Conduct three hands on activities; after the three lessons are completed each group will bird watch, conduct a clean-up and a reforestation in habitats used by birds. At the last activity the post assessment will be conducted to assess their behavior change.
Asses the behavior change of the participants in the program
To date we have worked with 123 kids from four communities (Consolation Bight, Flowers Bay, Gravel Bay, Sandy Bay, Brick Bay), they have received the lessons and done hands-on activities in their community; as well as visited the mangrove canal in Jonesville.

Ways to Give
Join us in protecting the stunning marine and coastal biodiversity of the Bay Islands in Honduras by supporting our conservation efforts and safeguarding the future of our oceans for generations to come.